25 Sep, 2024

Learning Symposium

The Malawi Irish Consortium on Gender Based Violence (MICGBV), in collaboration with Malawi's Ministry of Gender Community Development and Social Welfare, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will be hosting a two-day Symposium on "Replicable Models of Engaging Men and Boys in GBV Prevention and Response in Malawi; approaches,  challenges and lessons".

The aim of the Symposium is to provide a forum which will foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and action towards strengthening male engagement in GBV prevention and response. Participants will include local and global NGOs, representatives from the Irish Embassy in Malawi and Ministry of Gender, speakers from the UN, academics and religious figures.

Across the two days, there symposium will host panels from topic experts, presentations, breakout sessions and grassroots testimonials. The hashtags and suggested copy below are for participants, speakers, organisations and the organisers to share across their social media channels before, during, and after the event. 

Key Messages:

Key Message 1: Gender-based violence (GBV) is a multisectoral issue. Effective GBV prevention, mitigation and response requires a multisectoral, whole-of-society approach that includes figures from religious institutions, academia, government, NGOs, CSOs and the media. 

Key Message 2: Approaches to tackle GBV in Malawi should advocate for accountability frameworks in male engagement and incorporate the actions underlined in the Gender Equality Agenda and National Male Engagement Strategy.

Key Message 3: It is important for stakeholders and organisations to include men and boys in GBV programming as effective male engagement can break patriarchal systems, toxic masculinities, and negative social norms. 

Event Hashtags





  • Time:


  • Date:

    25 Sep, 2024

  • Location:

    Crossroads Hotel, Lilongwe